Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Humor In Advertising Essay - 1950 Words

Humor In Advertising Introduction The Budweiser frogs, Orbit gum, and VW commercials are prime examples of how humor is used to sell an idea or product. In these companies humor is the main reason why their commercials have such success. The reason these work so well is that audiences are looking for entertainment and something fresh. Audiences are tired of being bombarded by hundreds of advertisements each day. To catch the attention of a viewer waiting for his or her show to come back on a commercial needs to be entertaining and give the viewer a reason to pay attention. Comedy is one of the oldest forms of entertainment, plus it is simple and†¦show more content†¦Ads that entertain are like oxygen: a moment to breathe, a release from the events of a tiring day. As to say, if you canft make them laugh, you canft make them buy. An example of such advert is that of a classic ad (if readers may recall) that showed, a lovebird pecking at what seemed like food but was really the keys of a Touch-Tone teleph one. The beeps indicated it was accidentally dialing someone. Of course, this had to be accidental. Everyone knows birds donft dial. And even if they did, who would they call? But in the next scene we see a courier arrive. He picks up the sleeping cat with delivery note attached and departs to the off-screen sound of the bird chirping or maybe chuckling. We suddenly realize it wasnft just random food-pecking behavior the bird phoned the courier company to dispose of its nemesis, the cat. So what makes a commercial like this one humorous? Whatfs in it that make us laugh? The key is in the absurdity. The odd picture of the bird pecking is mixed up with what we identify as an abnormally human trait that is, intelligent, manipulative behavior. Seemingly random pecking by a bird at telephone keys turns out to be cunning, deliberate behavior that you just donft expect from a bird. Humor appears to be everywhere; it helps in the choice of products thus making a great impact on a consumerfs desire. This promotes a great deal of market in the sense that when consumers get attractedShow MoreRelated Humor Should Replace Sex in Media Advertising Essay1601 Words   |  7 PagesHumor Should Replace Sex in Advertising   Ã‚  Ã‚   In todays society, we as consumers are exposed to media on a daily basis. Beginning the day with a glance at the daily newspaper and finishing the evening with a television program, the average person cannot escape the clutches of the media in its seemingly endless forms. 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