Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Drive Me Real Crazy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Drive Me Real Crazy - Essay Example It entices the mind to drive towards the desires of life. They entice the mind to break the rules and to seek adventure. Such adventure is fun and it yields ethereal and satisfying result. The promiscuity of the drunkard towards reckless acts is inevitable. It has engulfed the individual to a vortex of happiness that will be taken away in a few moments and replaced by nirvana: the everlasting happiness of death. O how I wish that humans learn to appreciate life. Yes, they do appreciate life. But are they spending it worthwhile? Or are they spending it sassy? Life is a commodity. It has a price to pay. There are risks and safety guidelines implemented to safeguard life. The sad thing is that they happily violate their very own lives. They drive their way to hell. Alcohol allures the individual. The allurement gives them a reason to try out death-enticing stunts. I hope it is death-defying. Practically speaking, driving under the enchantment of alcohol is death-defying. There is a desi re to drive along wildly. They defy death only to meet death. Now, that is really death-defying. They are digging up their own grave. The alcohol invokes the goodness of an individual. It makes them curse responsibly. They are real people; real fools. They hate the red light because they see that it is green. They are not colour blind; they are really blind. Even if they have four eyes to see things, they only recognize one thing when they drive under the influence of alcohol: journey to happiness. Such happiness is futile. It gives recourse that life is something worth wasting. They do not appreciate that life is a journey just like driving. Life’s possibilities are endless. However, the difference lies on how life ends when the spell of alcohol enters the mind. It enhances the consciousness. It invokes a deathly realization. It welcomes death. The bedazzling nature of alcohol gives drivers reason to defy. They accept the prescribed norms and initiates accordance to rules. T hey drive responsibly upon reaching their grave. It is too late for them to realize when they wake up inside their coffins; crying happily while reflecting their conditions. The question is, can they still reflect inside their graves or are they sleeping eternally? The question is obvious and the answer is very easy to find.  Ã‚  

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